Analyzing how our target audience behaves (visits to our website) will help us to know what they need and how we can help them achieve conversion. In addition to improving the marketing strategy and improving the profitability of the company thanks to the ability to measure and analyze all the visits made to our website, blog or online store.
This data can be obtained with web analytics and will allow us to optimize online marketing campaigns and increase the conversion rate. This time we will tell you how web analytics to improve the marketing strategy of your business .

What is web analytics?

It is a tool capable of conducting a strategic study to discover how the behavior of our target audience is on our website, to assess whether the marketing actions carried out are working or not and also determine future marketing actions that help us capture quality traffic.
The variables analyzed by web analytics are known as KPI , (Key Performance Indicator) which in Spanish translates as the key performance indicators. On the other hand, the most used platform is Google Analytics.

With web analytics we can discover:

  • What is the most demanded by the consumer.
  • Classify our audience and implement marketing strategies that help us connect with it.
  • Improve content marketing. Being a key element between the communication of the user and the brand, it is possible to make a change to increase traffic.
  • What are the tastes and preferences of our target audience.

Also other more technical metrics such as:

  • Unique Visitors
  • Recurring users
  • Bounce Rate
  • Average visit
  • Conversion

There are numerous metrics and data that we can extract from the analytics of our website, the most important thing is to focus on the useful data for our brand since the indicators or KPIs are established based on the marketing objectives of the brand. The most important thing is to optimize the weak points and keep the strong ones.

When we know this valuable information from our users, we can fine-tune the strategy to meet their needs and get them to choose us over the competition.

Why is web analytics so important?

In addition to providing us with essential information about customers , it helps us assess whether the decisions made have produced the desired results.
In this way we can make a new planning to work towards the objectives of the company and guarantee success in the marketing strategy.
Thanks to web analytics, the user experience can be improved and their commitment to our brand reaffirmed. With this data we could make the necessary changes to continue growing as a company. At Cumboto Digital we recommend constant monitoring of your website. Only then can decisions be made in time that help to achieve the established objectives.